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Self Talk | Pastor Clay
Lent: a period of fasting and regret for one’s sins that is observed on the 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter by many churches (
The free church tradition, which we Baptists are a part of, is selective and spotty at best in practicing Lent. Who wants to “fast” and “regret” for 40 days? Not so fast; as I recall, Jesus fasted for 40 days. And about regret for sins, as Billy Graham used to say, “The closer I get to God the more sinful I realize I am.” Maybe that is not regret, but grace becomes false and cheap if it is not firmly adhered to our sin-stained need for it.
What about the 40 days business; where did that come from? Well, you do not have to be a Bible scholar to realize there are numerous references to 40 days in scripture. Maybe 40 days has something to do with forming a new habit. I have heard that promoted before. What does research tell us? In the 1960 self-help book Psycho-Cybernetics, author and plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz observed it took patients about 21 days to get used to their new look and theorized the three-week time could be applied to a variety of changes. Some Christian leaders have used such flawed research to suggest 40 days is the time it takes to form a new Godly habit. (Since we are dumb sheep, we need a few extra days.)
Actual research suggests a new habit takes between 18-254 days to form, with the average length being 66 days. Wow, I am stuck. What do I do with Lent now?
Length? Lent happens when days are getting longer, more filled with light. In the old days when abundant artificial light was not available, your day was over when the sun went down. So maybe Lent is a stewardship drive, time to sign your pledge card on how you are going to use the increased daytime God is giving you. It is never a bad idea to concentrate on my and your need for God’s abundant grace.
Fasting is designed to be a reminder that God is more than sufficient to meet our needs. Our God provides! A break in the normal pattern to be reminded we are more than just physical beings. Often bringing light to dark places in our lives, and the process looks more like a wrestling match than a spa retreat.
Mount Washington Baptist Church is providing several ways you can give stewardship to your longer days, and many are contained in this newsletter. What we can offer is not enough and can never be enough. Your relationship with Jesus does not go through the local church; it is a direct relationship that the church can encourage. How will you spend more daylight loving God and loving your neighbor? Is there something you need to quit doing so you have more room, heart, and time for that kind of love? Praying that as our days get longer, God receives more of you and me.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Clay