Coming Up In January

Sunday Mornings, 10 a.m. – A new 14-week sermon series, What If?, kicks off on Sunday, January 5.
Just a few of the “big questions” that we’ll tackle during the first quarter of 2025 are these:

~What if Jesus chose you (not the other way around)?
~What if church membership = discipleship?
~What if we practiced Sabbath?
~What if we trusted Jesus with our past? Our future? Our dark places?
~What if we prioritized not-yet-followers of Jesus?
~What if we were known as a community of prayer?

 Wednesday Evenings, 6:00 p.m. – Pastor Jim resumes his weekly Virtual Bible Studies, beginning on January 8, with a look at the book of 1 John.

You’ll find these weekly live-streamed studies on the church’s Facebook page.

CPC Meeting, January 12 – Members of the Council for Planning and Communication will meet on Sunday, January 12, to prepare for the Annual Business Meeting. *

Baby Shower for Tacie & Fred A., January 19
All are invited to a baby shower in the Fellowship Hall after church, as we celebrate the coming of a baby boy! A soup and sandwich luncheon will be served.

Annual Business Meeting, January 26 – Our Annual Business Meeting, in which we recap 2024 and look ahead to the ministries that we will prioritize in 2025, will take place immediately after the morning worship service. Please plan to stay after church that morning for this important meeting.

Scenes of the Season: Advent and Christmas 2024

Chistmas Overview

summer highlights

MWBC Calls Rev. Clay Self

After the exciting candidating weekend of April 27-28, the congregation of Mt. Washington Baptist Church voted to call Rev. Clay Self as our new pastor, effective in late July of 2024.

Rev. Self grew up in Maumee, Ohio, in a large family of eight half-siblings and 2 siblings. Growing up, Clay was active in his home church, Ashland Baptist Church. He served two terms on the Ohio Baptist Youth State Board and spent one summer on staff at Judson Hills camp before going off to college. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Eastern University in St. Davids, PA, and a Master of Divinity from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary located in Kansas City, MO. He served in an associate pastor capacity in Des Moines before attending seminary and in Independence, MO, while in seminary. He served as lead pastor in Urbana, IL, and Mill Creek, WA, before moving back to his home state of Ohio in 2018 and assuming the position of Pastor at First Baptist Church of Hillsboro.

Before coming back to Ohio, in addition to pastoring there for 14 years, for two years he was a lead carpenter for a remodeling company in Seattle. Clay has served as a volunteer chaplain for the local fire and rescue department, as the Area Regional Minister (ARM) of the ABC-Ohio churches in the Clinton Baptist Association, and as an officer of the ministerial association in Hillsboro.

Pastor Clay is married to Kacy and has one stepchild living at home, Alex (AKA Ruger). The family also includes Kacy’s adult child, Remington, who lives in the Seattle area, and Clay’s two adult children, Tyler (living in Seattle) and Kayla (living in New York City).

We look forward to Pastor Clay’s first Sunday in the pulpit, July 28.

MWBC Graduates

Thanks, Barb!
On Sunday, January 28, we showed our gratitude to Barb for her many years of service to our church. Through her work as Administrative Assistant and through her compassionate, joyful heart, Barb has been a blessing to all of us!

Operation Christmas Child

Members of our church packed over 60 shoeboxes (double our goal!) with toys and gifts to be sent to children internationally.

MWBC Supports Local Missions This Holiday Season

With our Operation Christmas Child gifts winging their way toward international children, MWBC turns its sights toward the needs of those in our local community. As in years past, we will again provide holiday dinners for families in our community who are struggling.  Rev. Jim will lead the effort this year. If you’d like to donate money to help purchase these dinners, please let Jim know. For the Christmas distribution, we will also be giving family games to our families along with their dinners. If you’d like to provide the games, or donate the money for them, reach out to Jim.

At Mt. Washington Baptist Church, August was a month of serving, supporting, and sending. We seek to live out the exhortation found in 1 Peter 4:10: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”

Racetrack Ministry – On Monday, August 14, under Rev. Jim Cagle’s leadership, a team of ten MWBC people, serving food donated by a number of additional church members, provided dinner for about 40 workers at Belterra between in-house and take-out orders. It was a great experience for all
who participated!

Special Recognitions – We recognized Holly McIntosh for her 25 years of service to the MWBC Day Care and congratulated Louann Bartholomew on finally getting out of the third grade as she recently retired from teaching at Miami Valley Christian Academy!

Fred's Ordination

Mission Overview and All-Church Luncheon — Tim and Stacy Reese, ABCUSA Global Servants who are endorsed to serve among the Haitian sugarcane Bateyes in the Dominican Republic, will join us in worship on Sunday, July 9, to provide an overview of their background and what they will be doing in the DR.

An all-church luncheon, sponsored by the Mission Board, will be held after the worship service, giving us additional time to meet the Reeses and learn more about their ministry. Please plan to attend the service and luncheon!

The Mission Board will be presenting a check for $1000 to the Reeses to help with their children’s education and would like to offer the congregation an opportunity to add to this gift. Envelopes will be available at church on Sunday. Your generous support will be of great help to the Reese family.

MWBC in Independence Day Parade — Under the leadership of Rev. Jim Cagle, a team of people from our church will be walking in Mt. Washington’s annual Independence Day parade, to be held on Monday, July 3, at 7:00 p.m. This is a great opportunity to engage with our community and let more people know about our church! We encourage you to come watch the parade as it passes by MWBC on its way to the Legion Hall. Bring a lawn chair and get there early, as Sutton will be closed to traffic prior to the parade’s beginning.

VBS Mission Project — This year’s VBS Mission Project was A Caring Place. This organization is dedicated to being a source of hope and practical help to women facing untimely pregnancies, as well as families in need, through an array of no-cost services such as pregnancy testing, ultrasound, abortion counseling, adoption consultation, parenting classes, sexually transmitted diseases information, and material assistance, which
is how our VBS kids and volunteers helped. Thanks to everyone who participated in donating items and filling the baby bottles. Our prayer is that God will bless the families who receive these items.

Having a blast with Mickey Wey (aka Dylan)!

Vacation Bible School Review and Thanks — We had an average of 38 children in attendance each day at Stellar VBS. Some of the time we were pretending to be in a rocket ship on the moon. Kids enjoyed songs, drama, Bible stories, crafts, snacks, movies, and object lessons. Each station tried to reinforce the message for the day. We learned that when life is dark, when people don’t get along, when good things happen, when people are sad, AND when people need help — we can shine Jesus’ light.

Thanks to all of the volunteers who helped to make VBS a success both behind the scenes and in person: Darby Atchison, Josie Baker, Louann Bartholomew, Andy Bartmess, Nancy Basil, Grace Brem, Barb Cagle, Jim Cagle, Tammy Caldwell, Courtney Funk, Connie Green, Cathy Herren, Dylan Herren, Pastor Karen Johnson, Eileen Kjeldsen, Susan Lattarulo, Donna Malone, Shureka Nyawalo, Holly McIntosh, Sharone Racer, Elias Rechel, Israel Rechel, Johnetta Stallworth, Dianne Steelman, Emily Sutton, Cody Taylor, Luke Tiettmeyer, and the kitchen staff at the Day Care. Thanks also to all who donated for snacks and for the mission, A Caring Place. We certainly saw Jesus’ light through all of you!

Baby Bottle Campaign — The mission board will be handing out baby bottles on Mother’s Day to be filled with cash or oins to support A Caring Place, and will collect them on Father’s Day. A Caring Place is a local organization that supports pregnant women, families, and children in need through no-cost services, parenting classes, and much-needed items such as car seats, formula, diapers, etc. Thank you for your support.

The Maundy Thursday Service, on April 6, will feature a potluck dinner, a time of communion, and the drama When They Crucified My Lord: A Tenebrae Service of Monologs. Make plans to join us for this solemn commemoration of the time of Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion. If you plan on coming for the dinner, please sign up at the Welcome Center or email Darby to let us know what you’d like to bring.

We’ll celebrate Easter Sunday, April 9, with a joyous worship service including special music and teaching, as well as our traditional Flowering of the Cross. Come early to fellowship together over a continental breakfast of pastries, juices, and coffee.

Easter Egg Hunt

Licensing of Fred Anderson—MWBC is privileged to be able to work with Fred Anderson as he pursues ordination. A necessary step in this process was our granting him a license for ministry, which occurred on March 26 during our morning Worship Gathering. Licensure signals the congregation’s full support of and investment in Fred’s ministry path and our recognition of his unique skills for ministry. Please continue to pray for Fred as he follows God’s leading.

A wonderful Craft Fair was held at MWBC on Saturday, March 18. Seventeen crafters and vendors set up in the Fellowship Hall. Between the space fees paid by vendors and donations from shoppers, a total of $200 was raised for the SEM Food Pantry, along with non-perishable food items given by shoppers. Thanks to Cathy Herren and Holly McIntosh for organizing and running the fair!

Reception of new members Johnetta, Jomil, and Fred.

Congratulations to Rev. Jim Cagle, who was ordained at Mt. Washington Baptist Church on Sunday, January 8, 2023.

The Mission Board, through the generosity of our congregation, was able to give support for both the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays to a number of families in our community.

Our Annual Business Meeting took place on Wednesday, January 25, with a pizza dinner to kick off the evening. The meeting was well attended, and it felt great to share a meal with the church family on a Wednesday night — it’s been a while!

Children’s Christmas Party

Live Nativity

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Use this Event Registration form in PDF or Word format. Return to Barb W.